How are your Chakras?

Lets do a Chakra health check … Chakras are portals brimming with information and by tuning into each layer of your chakras will help you gain an understanding of your energetic health. If your energetic health is in good condition then more often than not your physical and emotional health will be good too. However, if any areas of your energetic field feel suppressed, toxic or imbalanced then this can affect your immune system and mental health.

Chakras work as a complete energy system

If one of them is out of kilter it can interrupt the whole flow of the entire system. But, by knowing and having the tools to be able to find and fix it, then you can take control and boost your whole health and totally thrive at life!

Sometimes our Chakras can feel blocked and heavy, others feel dull - as if they have lost their glow. In order to re-illuminate that spark and clear that energetic line, we need to deal with the shadows first. And its not always easy, most of us unconsciously or consciously - block it all out so that we can simply get on with our lives. But by bottling these emotions up it can take a great deal of energy, in the long run far more energy than it would take to deal with the issue and heal the wound. In a physical reaction to unresolved pain we can end up with physical pain in our bodies and on an energetic level our Chakras will become blocked causing us to feel sluggish and down.

So lets assess our Chakras…

Technique 1 - A Spiritual MRI scan

  • Get some plain paper and pend or pencils. Draw a simple outline of your body and mark the location of the seven main Chakras (there is a diagram below)

  • Lie down and close your eyes. Take some long, slow breaths. Imagine that s big beam of light is sweeping down your body like a spotlight, scanning you bit by bit, from the top of your head all the way down to your toes.

  • As you imagine the light moving through you be aware of images or sensations in each part of your body. If you are a visual person, you may see colours, shapes or patches of light and shadow with your inner eye. If you are more of a feeler you might notice areas of tingling, lightness, heaviness or changes of temperature.

  • Keep breathing slowly and evenly. Scan yourself a second time, slightly more slowly and see if you notice anything else.

  • When you open your eyes, mark anything that you noticed on your drawing.

Technique 2 - Lighthouse Guided meditation

So what now?

Now that you are beginning to have a sense of your Chakras you can start delving into the wonderful world of how to work with each individual Chakra - how to heal, balance and nourish. But for now there are some simply joyous solutions to help heal and nourish without having to go into too much detail … baby steps, lets enjoy the process of getting to know our Chakras.

If your lower Chakras need attention, you might decide to start moving your body more - walking, dancing, taking a class. You might start eating more fresh. colourful foods or decluttering and getting on with your todo lists.

If your heart Chakra requires attention, now is the time to clean up old wounds and blocks, nourish and protect it and change your vibration, leaving you open to both receive and give love.

If your upper Chakras need attention, you might decide to visit a healer, clean up your energy fields or set aside time for meditation.

By focusing on your Chakras and your energetic health is like setting yourself a really solid foundation before you build the rest of your house. Or if you are aiming to build a lighthouse with a very powerful beam, then good foundations are essential.

Enjoy getting in tune with those Chakras

So much love,

JJ x


The Chakra low down!
