Lets take control of our health this winter as nature intended with all the goodness from the earth! Immune boosting potions made with love and care and with ZERO nasties - this fire tonic is so easy to make and if you get on it now then you will have it ready for the New year!

I was thrilled to find all the ingredients for this in my local farm shop .. all produce are organic and grown with love. So first step, head to your local farm shop and collect your goodies and then read on for all the benefits and how to’s.

Fire Cider Benefits

The term “fire cider” might have you thinking of witches brewing a magical potions of exotic spices and, perhaps, the tears of a dragon (or something). But this intriguing term actually refers to an ancient folklore remedy; an incredible health tonic, full of herbs, roots, fruits and spices infused in apple cider vinegar, then sweetened with honey and sipped through the winter months to help keep winter colds and flus at bay.

This pungent blend of spicy roots, citrus and fruits invigorates the immune system, stimulates salivary glands, promotes digestive “fire”, and offers an array of antioxidant and stimulating actions on the body.

Fire cider is the perfect example of food as medicine.This spicy tonic shows us that a valuable key to health is in our kitchen right now. Everyday food and culinary herbs, when chosen wisely can help us feel better.

What makes more sense than pungent, fire-y roots and herbs when the first signs of a cold creep in.

Anyhow, lets get on with it, read on for the individual benefits of each ingredient or skip to the bottom for the couldn’t-be-easier method.

  • Turmeric is pretty much the be-all and end-all of health foods. It’s known to delay liver damage, reduce carcinogenic compounds in other foods, make cancer cells more vulnerable to chemo and radiation, inhibit the growth of malignant melanoma and breast cancer, alleviate arthritis symptoms and skin conditions.

  • Lemons are known to aid in digestion, kidney stones, and ringing of the ears, cure scurvy, treat colds and flu, improve the function of blood vessels, and reduce inflammation and retention of water

  • Back Pepper: This pungent everyday spice is well known to loosen one’s sinuses and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits to boot.

  • Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother: Full of probiotics, raw apple cider vinegar is a beneficial bacteria powerhouse, a fantastic preservative and the perfect infusing liquid for fire cider.

  • Ginger: Stimulating, warming and antibacterial, ginger boosts tremendous health benefits. Ginger is also an excellent expectorant, balanced by antispasmodic and properties – helping to produce an effective, productive cough, without painful coughing fits. Ginger is also reputed to relieve pain and quell nausea.

  • Horseradish: The sinus opening benefit of horseradish is undisputed, but this pungent root also in a powerful immune stimulant and, due to its high vitamin C content, is an incredible antioxidant.

  • Garlic: Known as a “blood cleanser”, garlic boasts antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. A “cure-all” no matter how you look at it. And it repels vampires, which is a good thing.

  • Onion: Loaded with a variety of vitamins and minerals, onion is a stellar immune booster encouraging peak performance of the body’s natural defenses.

  • Orange: Vitamin C. Lots of it. (drops mic; leaves stage)

  • Jalapeno Pepper: These peppers bring more of that sinus searing heat, along with a ton of vitamins to stimulate the immune system, relieve pain and speed cell recovery.

  • Honey: Antimicrobial and preservative. And sweet. Very sweet. Which we will need – because this fire cider is going to be SPICY! Tip: try and source locally produced honey. Because bees collect pollen from flowers in your area and then convert it to honey to feed their hives, eating raw, local honey is like a tasty allergy shot


  • Chop the onions, grate the horseradish (get the googles out here its a tough one!) and finely slice the ginger and turmeric. Pop these heavy ones in the jar first and give them a good push down, then get on with slicing the rest of the ingredients. Once you have got everything in the jar (and the jar looks pretty from the outside obv) pour in the ACV until everything is covered.

  • If using a metal lid, place a square of wax or parchment paper between the lid and jar. to stop it from rusting and let it sit it in a dark, cool place, shaking daily for 3 weeks.

  • After the infusion is complete (3 weeks), strain it and add the honey to taste. Bottle and store it in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator. I bottle my fire cider in smaller bottles and gift them to my family.

Adults may take 1 tablespoon daily.

Or take 1 tablespoon every 3 to 4 hours for cold/flu symptoms.

Children aged 2 to 12 may take 1 teaspoon daily as a tonic in juice or water.

Or take 1⁄2 teaspoon every 3 to 4 hours for symptoms.

Tip: After straining out the ingredients, freeze them in ice cube trays, or dehydrate it and grind it into a powder. Either form makes an excellent seasoning base for soups, beans and braised dishes!



Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is just a personal recommendation of a wonderful blend of natures goodies that in my experience has hugely helped my immunity over the winter months. There are also a few different recipes with slightly different ingredients or methods - this is my personal favourite and most effective.


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